Hunting Rules
1. The hunter has to announce the hunt with /hunt command, and wait 2 minutes until he can pvp
2. The hunter and the hunted have to be in the same biome, for the hunt to start.
3. Players in a inaccessible claimbuild cannot be hunted, unless the hunted agrees to fight.
4. Only roleplay gear may be used during hunts.
5. The hunt ends after 10 minutes, unless following happens:
a. The hunt ends when the hunted stay in a claimbuild, or is unreachable for the hunter due to banner protection (banner should be placed before the hunt).
b. The hunt ends when the hunter or the hunted die, no matter how. Even if the allies are alive, if the hunted/hunter die, hunts end.
War Rules
1. No sellswords if you want to help another faction, then RP to that faction.
2. To revive a dead faction, build a town in unclaimed region.
3. Adventure mode forced on for war partakers.
4. Faction leaders can give lordship of regions to players where they will not need approval on political matters from faction leader (such as moving units, claimbuilds, productions sites, etc.).
5. When a build is attacked, both the attacker and defender need to find a mutually agreed upon day and time to do the fight. Please discuss a secondary date incase the first does not work! If the first and second are cancelled due to whatever situation, then a final date can be discussed. If that does not work, the attacker wins that battle.
Army System
1. No second chances (you lose the first battle after declaring war, you lose the war).
2. War camps required to siege towns/keeps/capitals NOT required for villages/hamlets.
3. Army movement channel will be created with dyno commands.
4. Staff can revoke a war in certain situations.
5. After a battle, staff will count remaining units and these will remain for next wars (if you lost 1 uruk hai in a battle, you can only use 4 others) unless you move your army to on of your claimbuilds which has a Watch-Tower, or in allies claimbuilds if they have it too and an embassy of your faction.
Army Movement
1. Armies have to move region to region.
2. Armies move 1 region every day.
3. Armies cannot attack through an enemy region. Have to walk around, ask permission to travel or attack region blocking.
4. 1 army per player, 2 if there is a faction's stronghold nearby(1 region) which will add 1 army slot to a Player. Only players can move the assigned army. Faction leaders can give army control players.
5. Armies only created by claimbuilds (town/keep or above. Not from villages/towers/hamlets).
6. RP character is with assigned army. If army is not at a battle location, player can fight but only with default faction gear as a "fill in captain".
7. Trade company assigned to player.
8. RP character can be with both army and Trading Company.
9. 5 stacks of cooked/prepared food per region moved. (eg. moving 2 tiles, you need 10 stacks of food to move that area.)
10. Unassigned armies can be moved by faction leader between CBs in current, neighbouring regions.
Army Creation
1. Armies are created when a town/keep is created (or above). They need appropriate buildings in order to have specific units (orc pits for orcs, barracks for human soldiers, archery ranges for archers, troll cages for trolls, etc.)
2. If an army is defeated- new army costs 5k, a small pouch of food, OR 3 stacks of iron.
3. Warg bombers banned as units.
4. Units for battles MUST be bought at the start of a battle by a provided commander.
5. Equipment on units goes up to next tier (Gunda orc with armour goes to 1 token from .5) unless it's same equipment (ex. black uruks units with maxed black uruk's gear is ok).
6. You may not change custom gear after army is created. You MAY change weapons
7. If staff catch players changing gear illegally in battles, we will butcher the unit. If other units die as collateral, we won't refund those.
8. Units must be specified upon army creation. You may not change units unless the army is defeated and you raise a new one.
9. If you want to add armour to a unit, you MUST let us know on army creation.
Units Cost
Armies have 10 points worth of tokens
Tier 1 (0.5 cost):
Levymen, civilians, gunda orcs, hobbits, bree soldiers, nomads, snagas
Tier 2 (1 cost):
Orcs, orc bombers, soldiers, archers, rangers, elf scouts, blowgunners, fire-throwers, normal Half Trolls, Wargs, Spiders, axe throwers (NOT dwarves)
Tier 3 (2 cost):
Elves, Uruks, Dwarves, Half Troll warriors, Dunland berserkers, tower guards, swan knights, golden rhunic, angmar trolls
Tier 4 (3 cost):
Uruk Berserkers
Tier 5 (5 cost):
Ologs, Mirk trolls, Hurons